It is difficult for people to change their perception to agree with a polemic view, it is even harder when from the beginning someone doesn't like something. Questioning certain image can be a challenge for some, however, it is normalized and more acceptable to stay on your comfort zone than to start questioning everything you have learned before; Gaspar Noe's work can be a perfect guide for you to start in this path.

Gaspar Noe is an Argentine cinematic director and screenwriter that has won different awards because of his unique style. Gaspar gets some inspiration from Kubrick's work but he mostly proposes new things (even when he can presage that some of his public will have controversial reactions). He sees the fun in challenging the viewers to experiment new feelings caused by his art and attracts them to not consume the typical movie on the billboard.
Climax is a great example for this, this movie creates a big chaotic escenario where the environment is full of tension, what makes it more interesting is the way he constructs his characters. It is very common to see in his movies the concept of being surrounded by people and still feel alone. He will constantly remind you of his philosophy: we were born alone, we live alone and we die alone. In this movie you can also get to appreciate the shots Gaspar Noe uses to make you feel part of the movie as an espectator, Enter the Void is also a great example of this shots.
Gaspar Noe's movies are not meant to be analyzed, instead the intention is for you to connect with the feelings you could be having in that moment, such as anger, overwhelming, anxiety, disgust or others. Get involved in Noe's world full of great shots, color palettes, characters, and crazy stories.

We hope you like these suggestions, don't forget to check out Gaspar Noe's work and tell us how you feel about it in a direct message on our Instagram account and we will see you soon with another interesting topic! -C.G.