Carla Gallegos Ramirez11 sept 20201 Min. de lecturaMy experience in FilmHello everyone, thank you for joining the blog. Today's topic is all about on how films and making films can change your vision on the...
cferreramor10 sept 20202 Min. de lecturaMy Life & MoviesWelcome to our blog! I hope you feel very welcome to comment and express your thoughts anytime. My name is Caterina Ferrera and I will be...
aruizleon10 sept 20201 Min. de lecturaWhat I like about filmsI have always been interested in movies and tv shows. Since I was a child, I would spend my days watching movies and pretending I was...
Nicolás Alegrett Morreo9 sept 20202 Min. de lecturaCinema Paradiso: The start of my cinematographic journeyToday I begin my blogging journey, the same way I started my cinematographic journey 4 years ago: curious and excited about the new world...