Welcome to our blog! I hope you feel very welcome to comment and express your thoughts anytime. My name is Caterina Ferrera and I will be one of our writers. As you may have guessed by now our blog will be focused on discussing movies. However, before I write about any movie I want you to know why the cinema is something I'm very fond of.
Growing up one of the main bonding activities in my family was watching a movie together every single night. Sometimes we would watch the newest motion picture everyone was talking about or we would rewatch some of our favorites such as Father of the Bride (1991) or My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002). If you've watched these movies then you've probably realized by now that my family and really like rom-coms.
Now that I'm older, I still love romantic comedies but I have also acquired a taste for other genres, which is why I watch movies alone most of the time, but movies remain very important in my household. Before we were affected by a pandemic and going out wasn't risky, every time a new movie was released in theaters my family would buy tickets and we would all go together. Regardless of whether we liked each movie or not, we always got good memories out of going to the cinema.
Besides this, I also think movies can teach very valuable life lessons. Sometimes the characters make mistakes for us so we learn from them and don't have to be the ones doing them in real life. An example of a film I can say I learned a lot from is Greta Gerwig's Lady Bird (2017), which follows the story of a young teenage girl who avoids being everything she is without realizing maybe being who you are is sometimes the best thing.
So that's why I love movies, they have given me some of the best memories I have as well as taught me many important things in life. Like I said feel free to comment or interact any time. Maybe you can tell me why films are so important to you and if you have similar experiences to mine.

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Written by: Caterina Ferrera
I loved Lady Bird and I totally agree with you on its central message!
Hey Queen! Girl you have done it again, constantly raising the bar for us all and doing it flawlessly. I’d say I’m surprised but I know who you are. I’ve seen it up close and personal. Girl you make me so proud and I love you!