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My experience in Film

Foto del escritor: Carla Gallegos RamirezCarla Gallegos Ramirez

Hello everyone, thank you for joining the blog. Today's topic is all about on how films and making films can change your vision on the world. I am thrilled to announce that I have been part of creating short films in the past, this is why I have a special spot for it on my heart. Indeed, part of the Communication's career is all about the audiovisuals and being creative!

Who doesn't like movies? Movies can be interpreted as however the audience wants it to be. In my opinion, most of the people make movies to express ideas, to share, project or to transmit certain feeling on a topic. Months ago I did a Pre-College in California, in which to make a short Film you had to spend at least an entire week to get 10 minutes (as in your final project). I want to share something with you, that is that when you participate in any production: a comercial, a film, etc. you will begin to watch movies in a more critique way. For example, you will analyze the camera angle, its movement, lights, editing or any of the takes. For me this is very interesting and I Hope you like these great topics! C.G.



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