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It's time to say goodbye, I loved the journey

Foto del escritor: Carla Gallegos RamirezCarla Gallegos Ramirez

Actualizado: 24 oct 2020

We have to remember that we, as humans, will start something and that someday it will come to an end. Today is the last day I will be posting an entry on the Cinematologists Blog. I feel sad because I have to say this is the coolest blog ever.

I loved sharing some of my journey with Film with y'all! I really hope everyone who read this blog felt the same :). I have never blogged before and I have to acknowledge that this was such a great experience for me! I really love movies, tv shows and Cinematologists Blog was a way for me to get inspired.

I shared some great works on the big screen, from Mr. Gaspar Noe to my favorite recent works in Film industry.

Check out some of my entries!

Something I take with me from this experience is that everyone should dare to try new things. Blogging has helped me a lot with connecting with my taste on things and to remember why they have a certain value for me. I have written a lot about something that really inspires me and that has made me so happy. I will continue to Blog, don't think that this will be the last time you'll hear from me

Don't forget to follow us on social media, that we have great content in there too.

Here is a goodbye song for you:



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