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In case I don't see you, good morning, good afternoon and goodbye!


Dear cinematic fans, over the past 6 weeks I’ve been posting movie recommendations, I wrote about important figures, one of my favorite directors, (Tim Burton), the best media to find film information, etc. But now, although is not a complete goodbye and maybe l'll keep on posting on the social accounts, I have to say this is my last blog for you.

Blogging has helped me improve my writing skills and communicate my thoughts to the readers. This experience has enhanced my abilities and has enriched me in so many ways. Not only because I learned how to make a blog adding multimedia tools such as audio, videos, gifs, links, etc. To make it more fun and entertaining. But because I was able to write about the thing I love the most, films. I enjoyed using our Instagram account to attract people's attention, and on which we tried to make the experience more interactive with polls, uploading pictures, and re-uploading famous accounts content. I found it fascinating to see how other people were interested in learning about films.

In the last weeks, I wrote about my favorite topics and I learned a lot about films along the way. Here are some of my previous blogs:

I have always enjoyed talking about movies, directors, and hearing other people’s opinions on the subject. Researching videos, information, and the content for the blog was an enriching experience. I liked writing along with my partners and reading their blogs and it was nice to see how we all pursue similar dreams and share an admiration for filmmaking.

Before saying goodbye, here is one last recommendation. Keep on enriching your cinema experience and learning about this beautiful art. Watch movies, admire the techniques, screenwriting, the composition in storytelling, appreciate the aesthetic of the scenes, and have fun.

I hope you enjoyed this journey as much as I did. Thanks for reading and keep on enhancing your film culture. Although I won’t be posting anymore, don’t forget we are all cinematic fans.

From a cinematic fan to another:

Adriana Ruiz

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